Common issues that can happen during Video Identification

In case you run into any issues, please check here to see how to resolve that issue, as it is very likely you are not the first to have experienced it.

  1. Service not available“. The Video Ident service is available on Monday – Saturday from 7:00 am – 22:00 pm (CEST/CET).
  2. Country not supported” or “Passport not accepted“. Unfortunately not all 192 countries in the world are supported yet by IDnow. If you run into the issue of having a nationality of an unsupported country, please contact Support
  3. Video calls restricted in my location“. Unfortunately certain countries have restrictions in place for video calls. If you run into issues because of such a restriction, please contact Support
  4. Link expired“. The link you receive via email is valid for 7 days. If you get a notification that the link has expired you need to contact Support to request a new invitation.
  5. SMS not received“. If you did not receive the necessary SMS confirmation code, please double check you have entered your mobile phone number correctly during onboarding. Go to and log in to see the mobile phone number you have entered, and how to change it if necessary. If this does not resolve the issue, please contact Support.