How to ensure you receive all emails from Idoneus in your inbox?

In case you do not find emails from Idoneus in your inbox, please check your Spam folder. To prevent emails from Idoneus landing in your Spam folder, please whitelist the domain in your email application.

Steps to make sure you receive all emails from Idoneus

Depending on the strictness of the spam protection settings of your email application (outlook, gmail, etc), it may happen that emails from the * domain land in your Spam folder instead of your Inbox. In order to make sure you always receive all emails from Idoneus in your Inbox, you have to whitelist the domain in your email application

Outlook Instructions

For Outlook, please follow these instructions:

  1. In Outlook, go to the Home tab.
  2. Click Junk > Junk Email Options.
  3. Select the Safe Senders tab and click Add.
  4. In the Add address or domain box, enter the email address or the domain name you want to safelist.
  5. Click OK and close the window.

Gmail Instructions

For Gmail, please follow these instructions: 

Option 1: Mark it as Not Spam (if the email is already in spam).

  1. Go to Spam.
  2. Open the email.
  3. Click the Not spam button.
    Gmail - 'Not spam' button
    After this action, subsequent emails from the sender will not be marked as spam.


Option 2: Add address as a Contact.

Option 3: Create a Filter

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the Settings button in the menu that appears.
    Gmail - settings button
  3. On the settings page, go to the Filters and blocked addresses tab.
  4. Click the Create a new filter button.
    Gmail - 'Create a new filter' button
  5. In the opened settings, you can see the filtering options. Since we need to add the sender’s email to the white list, we fill in the From field with the desired email. If you want to add all emails of the domain to the white list, type “@domain” (example: “”) in the “From” field. Leave the rest of the fields empty (so that other possible rules will not apply to our filter).
  6. Press the Create filter button.
    Gmail - Filter settings
  7. In the next item, select the action that will be applied to filtered messages. Select the item Never send it to Spam.
  8. Click on the Create filter button.
    Gmail - filter action settings

Filter created!

Other email applications

For other email applications, please visit their respective Help pages to find out how to whitelist domains / add safe sender domains.